What has been keeping me from updating my dear old neglected blog you ask....
all in no particular order
- First week of May had a fantastic family holiday to the great land of the mouse - we had a great time in Florida and cant wait to go back. When planning our trip I was almost laughing at the people who go back time and time again - I am now one of them and honestly cant wait. We had so much fun. Weather was great and the line ups were almost non-existent.
- Kids have started BMX racing so that is taking up a few nights a week and all day Sundays when we are in town.
- Oldest boy graduated high school - sometimes he can be so mature and responsible and sometimes I think he has morphed into an 18 year old body with the mind of a 10 year old - oh boy - boys can be trying. He is a good kid - just an 18 year old....we don't have any drug issues or booze issues so I am super thankful for that. He just thinks he knows everything...oh I remember being 18 years old and thinking I was a "woman of the world". He came home tonight from the girlfriends house and announced he wants to go to Japan to see the cars there. Ugh......
- Middle boy who will be 13 years old soon - has learned the fine art of the perfected miserable "attitude" most of the time. The only decent conversation I have with him results in him grunting back at me or shrugging his shoulders which drives me crazy....crazy I tell ya.
- Youngest boy is a handful - driving me metal not listening and pushing my buttons. But a very happy boy and always laughing and playing silly practical jokes...
- Hubby - got another promotion at work which is going to keep him more busy at work and the cell phone will be permanently attached to the side of his head. Can't complain though - with so many people out of work it is a blessing that he has a good steady job of 24 years and promoted once again.
- My work has been crazy and i am frustrated - with the warmth of summer arriving i am almost bitter than I am working....I think it is the "mood" I have been in lately....more on that later.
- My Mom - I am a bad daughter - not only have I not had time to update my blog which can be done at any time of day or night - I have not visited my mom in almost 2 weeks - head hung in shame...........My Mom has Alzheimer's - it is such a brutally nasty selfish disease. I hate it. Truly hate it. My Mom is complacent though - not a care in the world and always so happy when I visit even though she never remembers that I have been there - or even that I am there if I walk out of the room for more than five minutes.
- it normal for a 40 year old woman to feel so overwhelmed and just cant get it all done to the point that it is too much to even start? Hubby helps out all the time so don't think it is him not helping....he is a great supportive hubby.
- We built a small cabin on my in-laws property last year and now it is time to furnish it. I am playing with the furniture layout and about to embark on painting the antiques we picked up over the last year for the cabin....see item above....just can't seem to get it started....I am frustrated with the layout and getting all the furniture to fit.....
- Gardens - going great - roses are outstanding this year - i think it might be from all the rain.
Well there you go - my sad excuse for ignoring my contribution to the wonderful world of blogging. I will try to update more often and even start posting some super duper photos of our cabin progress....