Saturday, January 3, 2009

3rd day in January!

The maiden voyage - robs first snowmobile trip with his brand new snowmobile license!!!

Poor Rob - on the way home the steering shaft broke - had to get the trailer to get it off of the side of the trail.

Chris has his fav girl up here and have been snowmobiling and watching "Lost". Tonight they went out in the cold - minus 10 - brrrr.

Have been trying to make some smarter food choices and looking forward to getting on the scale on Tuesday morning.
Breakfast: two small pancakes and one slice of bacon - orange juice and coffee.
snack two handful peanuts
Dinner - chilly and salad - small handful of cheese and some sour cream - should have passed on the sour cream though - dessert was a small serving of apple crisp and ice cream.

Was a good girl and passed on the chocolates!!! Yeah me - it is a start!

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