Oh what to say about Easter 2009 other than...........CRAP.
At Christmas time I went over-board with the Sears Wish Book. I had ordered two R/C Air Hog mini storm chasers.
At the time DH and I decided we would not give as Xmas gifts rather wait and give as Easter gifts.....Last night DH pulled them out and they were left with the Easter goodies.....and a real metal slinky each....I have not seen the metal ones in a long long time.....
I digress, the boys are extremely happy with the R/C planes......get the 16 double A batteries installed and proceed to play with them - within 15 minutes of installing the $20 worth of batteries DS #3 gets his propeller stuck in the fringe of the carpet and rips it off - it is now garbage - he throws himself to the ground like a three year old and proclaims to the world at the top of his banshee wailing voice "THIS IS THE WORST EASTER EVER".
DH trying to calm the ten year old just turned 3 year old down.....gets out the model glue and promises he will do his very best to fit the propeller - trying hard to not scream "I told you not to play with it around the fringe of the carpet"
DS #2 decides he will learn from his younger brothers experience and try and fly his outside - it takes less than 39 seconds for it to be stuck in a tree........he comes running into the house and instantly turns into a second wailing banshee....
DH gets the broom out and knocks it out of the tree- now it is running on full speed even when shut off....
So now I have two very unhappy boys full of a sugar rush from eating the Easter treats left for them....
What is a Mom to do.........well I proceed with making a
scrumpish breakfast taken from a fellow blogger.......
Baked French Toast Baked french toast
melt 1 stick of butter then add in 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 t. cinnamon and stir together.
pour into a 9x13 pan covering the bottom.
then layer slices of bread on the sugar mixture with the crusts removed.
(it would probably just as good with the crusts on....)
i used 15 pieces of bread.
fill in the holes with smaller pieces.
in a mixing bowl whisk together 2 cups of milk and 6 eggs.
pour over the bread.
that's it.
put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
when it looks baked and golden, pull it out and drizzle syrup over the top.
put it back in the oven under the broiler until brown and bubbly.
It is so yummy............and definitely a "maker againer" as my youngest used to say when he was little.....
BUT.........what was I thinking giving a sugar filled yummy breakfast to two boys who were already on sugar over-load - this recipe is fantastic - but definitely really high on the sugar content....
Now I have two boys bouncing off of the walls - arguing and unwilling to burn off some of the sugar overload and we are to be at our neighbours in two hours for an Easter dinner......
What was I thinking????
It also feels really weird - oldest DS #1 decided he wanted to spend the night at his buddies last night - feels weird to have Easter without him......
I remember what it was like to be 17 almost 18 and friends are so much more important than the Easter Bunny.......
Does anyone know a quick sugar detox???? CRAP.