Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ ~ the end of an era

I have not done any work in my office for the last hour - why - I am glued to CNN watching the MJ memorial.

An icon from my youth - with every song I have memories of some of the best years of my teen years.

I dont agree with his choices and how he lived his life - I do feel or felt sorry for the man he became and the demons he fought.

He was talented

He was interesting to watch

He could never be replaced

He is gone

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Cabin / bunkie up north....

Let me introduce you to our little cabin / bunkie up north on the lake - was built on my in-laws property - they are lucky enough to live on a beautiful lake and offered to allow us to have a weekend cabin on their property - we dug the foundation last year - here is a photo of it taken early spring - will have to post a newer updated exterior photo.
This is the lake....and our view

Just wanted to post some "before" photos of the cabin with our "temporary furniture" - right now we have a few pieces in it that are actually hubs parents - we have yet to decide on a sofa - Thinking we are going to go with the Extorp Ikea sofabed sofa from Ikea but that has not been decided ....

This is the main part of the living room:

Ladder to the loft for the kids - behind the white door is the bathroom which also has to be completed - just off to the right is our bed and back door. For the ladder we used the same ladders that are used on mobile homes - does the job and doesn't take up much space. In the loft is just mattresses on the floor - can sleep up to six kids up there.

Here is our bedroom area - we are thinking about putting a curtain up so give us some privacy when we have guests who might be on the sofa bed - that is if we decide on getting a sofa bed....decisions decisions...

Well there she is - the little cabin - finally almost finished but finished enough to start enjoying our time at the lake.
New photos coming with all of our furniture in it.....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Do you have ugly things on your house - how to hide them and turn them into a feature and not an eye sore

Do you have ugly utilitarian items attached to the exterior of your house like I did?

When you drove up to my house the first thing you saw attached to the house was the ugly gas meter which is huge, the ugly hydro meter that hung on the siding six feet in the air and the ugly cable box next to it.

One of the first things we did when we moved in ten years ago ( cant believe it has been that long) was cover those eye sores and turn them into "features"

Below see the cute little bird houses attached to the house - well they are covering up what we didn't want to see:

Peek-a-boo there it is - the ugly hydro meter - easy peasy for the hydro reader to check - just open the door which is on a butterfly hinge. The green bird house is covering the cable box.

There are no actual holes drilled for the birds - sorry birds - those are actually not for you - what I did was paint a black circle to make it look like the birds could go in and nest.

One day while out "treasure hunting" what hubs and I like to call it - (looking for cast-offs during big item garbage pick up) - we came across a huge pile of weathered picked fence - hubs turned that into a great gas meter cover - now with some greenery around it you can hardly see it.

Do you have any uglies you need to cover on your house - make some bird houses and make it look like they are "supposed to be there"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My flowers and some before shots of the furniture we are working on for the cabin

Thought I would show some shots of my gardens - all this rain has certainly helped with the gardens - flowers are gorgeous if I do say so myself.

These two hosta's are over ten years old - not sure if you can see in the photo but easy six feet wide. My favorite plant in our garden.

Daisy - I love how "imperfect" it is.

Here is a better shot of the hosta I love.

Endless summer hydrangea starting to bloom - they are my favorite flower

Roses growing on the wall of the garage.

More climbing roses

These photos are not in order - here is hubs spraying the chairs

Did not get a good before shot of the dresser I garbage picked- here are the drawers from it - they were really ugly with the worst handles I had ever seen.

Here is another beauty - once again garbage picked during big item pick up - wait to see what it looks like now - stunning - the brown on the table is mould - YUK - but we knew it had potential and I loved the look of the table.

A shot of some of the chairs - they were either garbage picked or from garage sales.

Hubs and I have been busy this week painting all our furniture for our little cabin up north - the final coat of clear is drying right now....
Tomorrow we are loading everything into the trailer to bring up to the cabin - I can't wait to show you what they look like now.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Wishing everyone a happy Canada Day.

We spent the day painting furniture for our cabin - the paint is drying so slow because of all of the rain.

will be posting photos tomorrow....

I am on the fence right now if i leave everything pristinely painted or do i sand it off a bit to make it more rustic.....oh decisions decisions....

Monday, June 29, 2009

April 20th has it really been that long...oh my...

I cant believe that it has been over two months since I updated my blog. I am certainly not going to win any blogging awards for that great effort am I?

What has been keeping me from updating my dear old neglected blog you ask....

all in no particular order

  • First week of May had a fantastic family holiday to the great land of the mouse - we had a great time in Florida and cant wait to go back. When planning our trip I was almost laughing at the people who go back time and time again - I am now one of them and honestly cant wait. We had so much fun. Weather was great and the line ups were almost non-existent.
  • Kids have started BMX racing so that is taking up a few nights a week and all day Sundays when we are in town.
  • Oldest boy graduated high school - sometimes he can be so mature and responsible and sometimes I think he has morphed into an 18 year old body with the mind of a 10 year old - oh boy - boys can be trying. He is a good kid - just an 18 year old....we don't have any drug issues or booze issues so I am super thankful for that. He just thinks he knows everything...oh I remember being 18 years old and thinking I was a "woman of the world". He came home tonight from the girlfriends house and announced he wants to go to Japan to see the cars there. Ugh......
  • Middle boy who will be 13 years old soon - has learned the fine art of the perfected miserable "attitude" most of the time. The only decent conversation I have with him results in him grunting back at me or shrugging his shoulders which drives me crazy....crazy I tell ya.
  • Youngest boy is a handful - driving me metal not listening and pushing my buttons. But a very happy boy and always laughing and playing silly practical jokes...
  • Hubby - got another promotion at work which is going to keep him more busy at work and the cell phone will be permanently attached to the side of his head. Can't complain though - with so many people out of work it is a blessing that he has a good steady job of 24 years and promoted once again.
  • My work has been crazy and i am frustrated - with the warmth of summer arriving i am almost bitter than I am working....I think it is the "mood" I have been in lately....more on that later.
  • My Mom - I am a bad daughter - not only have I not had time to update my blog which can be done at any time of day or night - I have not visited my mom in almost 2 weeks - head hung in shame...........My Mom has Alzheimer's - it is such a brutally nasty selfish disease. I hate it. Truly hate it. My Mom is complacent though - not a care in the world and always so happy when I visit even though she never remembers that I have been there - or even that I am there if I walk out of the room for more than five minutes.
  • it normal for a 40 year old woman to feel so overwhelmed and just cant get it all done to the point that it is too much to even start? Hubby helps out all the time so don't think it is him not helping....he is a great supportive hubby.
  • We built a small cabin on my in-laws property last year and now it is time to furnish it. I am playing with the furniture layout and about to embark on painting the antiques we picked up over the last year for the cabin....see item above....just can't seem to get it started....I am frustrated with the layout and getting all the furniture to fit.....
  • Gardens - going great - roses are outstanding this year - i think it might be from all the rain.

Well there you go - my sad excuse for ignoring my contribution to the wonderful world of blogging. I will try to update more often and even start posting some super duper photos of our cabin progress....

Monday, April 20, 2009

I have a girl crush on Sarah Richardson

Sarah Richardson - one of my favorite designers.

Here are some of the "spaces" she and her team have created.

She has a few shows on HGTV - Sarah's house, Sarah's cottage, Design Inc.
Oh to have her "eye"

more pretty spaces

images from here

gorgeous spaces....ideas for the cabin....

All images from Simply Natural

Sunday, April 19, 2009

$5 dinners...

Wow - $5.00 dinners....

Here is one.... I think I am going to try this on Tuesday....sour cream was on a super sale at my grocery store today and I bought two....

1 16 oz container fat free sour cream ($.88)
1 can of green chiles ($.68)
about 1 1/2 cups of shredded chicken ($1.50)
1/2 tsp garlic powder ($.05)
Salt/Pepper, to taste
10 flour tortillas ($1.14)
1-2 cups shredded cheese ($.75-$1.50)
2 cups of frozen corn ($.44) On sale the other week for $.88/bag!

1. In large skillet, whisk sour cream, green chiles and 1 cup of chicken stock. Add more chicken stock until it comes to the consistency you want for your sauce. Add garlic powder and salt and pepper to taste.
2. Before adding the cooked and shredded chicken, save 1 cup of the sour cream sauce.
3. Stir chicken into the sauce and let simmer about 10 minutes, allow flavors time to infuse.
4. Spoon sour cream chicken sauce into tortillas. Roll and place “seam down” into a baking dish. 10 enchiladas fit comfortably in a 9×13 dish.
5. Take the sour cream sauce that you removed and spread it over the tortillas.
6. Sprinkle cheese over the top and bake about 15-20 minutes at 350.
7. Cook corn as directed on package instructions.
8. Serve Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas with Corn.
Cost $5.44 Plus enough for lunch tomorrow

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Missing girl

15 Random Complaints / Observations

  1. Why is it the second a floor is swept the dog shakes his fur all over the clean floor.
  2. Why is it the second a floor is mopped either Hubs or one of three boys will walk on it with shoes on?
  3. Why is it that I can never get the laundry finished? There is always more and more to do?
  4. Why is it that I picked today to clean the house while hubs is out for a motorcycle ride and just found out that tomorrow it is supposed to rain? Should have cleaned the house tomorrow??
  5. Why is it that I cant keep my room clean?
  6. Why is it that I expect my kids to keep their rooms clean? See item #5???
  7. Why is it that when I "go on a diet" or start watching what I eat I gain weight?
  8. Why is it that I check Facebook far too often when should be doing something else?
  9. Why is it that no one really updates their blogs on the weekend? Sometimes I want a diversion from doing my chores.
  10. Why is it that I cant get out of Costco without spending close to $300.00?
  11. Why is it that I say "I should be" too much when doing item #8 and #9.
  12. Why is it that I cant keep my "flylady routines" a routine?
  13. Why is it that I keep forgetting I am going on vacation in a few weeks? (I know I shouldn't complain about this one)
  14. Why is it that I make the "to-do" list far too long and too much for one day and then still suffer with item #11.
  15. Why is it that I am creating this list instead of cleaning my room? See item #5

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I wore skinny jeans all week and have not lost a pound.....I am taking them back.

quick turtles....

Found this post over at http://www.twigandthistle.com/blog/and have to add it to my must try file.....

Ingredients:Mini PretzelsPecan HalfsRolosThat’s it!
1) On a cookies sheet, arrange the pretzels then place a Rolo on top of each one. Bake at 220 F. for 2 minutes.
2) Pull out the sheet out of the oven and immediately start placing the Pecans on top and pushing them down, squishing the Rolos.
3) Enjoy!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Found another one I want to try...

Did not end up having the planned Cobb salad for dinner......Child #3 had to work late which in turn made me so late that I didn't have time to make dinner before the dog trainer showed up...

Ended up spending a few dollars shy of $50.00 at McDonald's - what a friggin waste of money - that is for our family of five and g/f of oldest child - CHA CHING...and now a few short hours later I am starving again....

Note to self - use crockpot on dog training nights.

I LOVE our dog trainer - my 5 year old puppy is responding well and what an improvement in just two short lessons.......

I have just found another recipe on another blog I am going to put on my must try this week list.....

2 tblsp hot pepper sauce, such as Frank's RedHot
3 tblsp white vinegar, divided
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1 lb chicken tenders
2 tblsp reduced-fat mayonnaise
2 tblsp nonfat plain yogurt
Freshly ground pepper to taste
1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese
4 8-inch whole-wheat tortillas
1 cup shredded romaine lettuce
1 cup sliced celery
1 cup chopped onion
1 large tomato, chopped

Whisk hot pepper sauce, 2 tblsp vinegar & cayenne pepper in a medium bowl. Spray cooking spray in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add chicken tenders; cook until cooked through & no longer pink in the middle, 3 to 4 minutes per side. Add to the bowl with the hot sauce; toss to coat well.

Whisk mayonnaise, yogurt, pepper & the remaining 1 tblsp vinegar in a small bowl. Stir in blue cheese.

To assemble wraps: Lay a tortilla on a work surface or plate. Spread with 1 tblsp blue cheese sauce & top with one-fourth of the chicken, lettuce, celery, tomato & onion. Drizzle with some of the hot sauce remaining in the bowl & roll into a wrap sandwich. Repeat with the remaining tortillas.
I think i am going to go and "borrow" some Easter chocolate from my kids....insert evil giggle....

Whats for dinner

After spending the afternoon outside in the warmth of the sun I am now in summer mode and craving salads.....
And just found the perfect BBQ Chicken Cobb salad to make for dinner tonight.....
Although I do not have left over chicken in the fridge I do have some ham left over from Easter dinner at our neighbours and will grab a chicken from the grocery store on my way home from work.....
BBQ Chicken Cobb Salad

Leftover Old-Fashioned BBQ Chicken, chopped into bite-sized pieces
World's Best Blue Cheese Dressing OR a high-quality Ranch. I suppose, if you swing that way, you could use Thousand Island or French, but I've never been a fan.
Leafy green lettuce (I like Romaine)
Hard-boiled eggs; sliced, wedged, crumbled, chopped, whatever.
Chopped green onions or sliced red onions
Chopped tomatoes
Blue cheese (if not using aforementioned dressing) or sharp cheddar cheese. Pepper jack might also be good, although I've never tried it.
Avocado cubes
Crumbled bacon

Wash and chop lettuce (if not buying pre-washed, pre-chopped lettuce). Blot with paper towels to remove excess moisture. Arrange lettuce on large dinner plates and add a handful of BBQ chicken. Arrange remaining ingredients on top--you can either keep all the toppings separate and let dinner-eaters mix it up (or not) according to their liking, or you can just go WILD and sprinkle everything on top. Serve with dressing and enjoy!

I wish i had it right now to eat ......

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter.....really?

Oh what to say about Easter 2009 other than...........CRAP.

At Christmas time I went over-board with the Sears Wish Book. I had ordered two R/C Air Hog mini storm chasers.

At the time DH and I decided we would not give as Xmas gifts rather wait and give as Easter gifts.....Last night DH pulled them out and they were left with the Easter goodies.....and a real metal slinky each....I have not seen the metal ones in a long long time.....

I digress, the boys are extremely happy with the R/C planes......get the 16 double A batteries installed and proceed to play with them - within 15 minutes of installing the $20 worth of batteries DS #3 gets his propeller stuck in the fringe of the carpet and rips it off - it is now garbage - he throws himself to the ground like a three year old and proclaims to the world at the top of his banshee wailing voice "THIS IS THE WORST EASTER EVER".

DH trying to calm the ten year old just turned 3 year old down.....gets out the model glue and promises he will do his very best to fit the propeller - trying hard to not scream "I told you not to play with it around the fringe of the carpet"

DS #2 decides he will learn from his younger brothers experience and try and fly his outside - it takes less than 39 seconds for it to be stuck in a tree........he comes running into the house and instantly turns into a second wailing banshee....

DH gets the broom out and knocks it out of the tree- now it is running on full speed even when shut off....

So now I have two very unhappy boys full of a sugar rush from eating the Easter treats left for them....

What is a Mom to do.........well I proceed with making a scrumpish breakfast taken from a fellow blogger.......Baked French Toast

Baked french toast

melt 1 stick of butter then add in 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 t. cinnamon and stir together.
pour into a 9x13 pan covering the bottom.

then layer slices of bread on the sugar mixture with the crusts removed.
(it would probably just as good with the crusts on....)
i used 15 pieces of bread.
fill in the holes with smaller pieces.

in a mixing bowl whisk together 2 cups of milk and 6 eggs.
pour over the bread.
that's it.

put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.
when it looks baked and golden, pull it out and drizzle syrup over the top.
put it back in the oven under the broiler until brown and bubbly.

It is so yummy............and definitely a "maker againer" as my youngest used to say when he was little.....

BUT.........what was I thinking giving a sugar filled yummy breakfast to two boys who were already on sugar over-load - this recipe is fantastic - but definitely really high on the sugar content....

Now I have two boys bouncing off of the walls - arguing and unwilling to burn off some of the sugar overload and we are to be at our neighbours in two hours for an Easter dinner......

What was I thinking????
It also feels really weird - oldest DS #1 decided he wanted to spend the night at his buddies last night - feels weird to have Easter without him......
I remember what it was like to be 17 almost 18 and friends are so much more important than the Easter Bunny.......
Does anyone know a quick sugar detox???? CRAP.

Monday, March 30, 2009

this is so cute

Found these really adorable cupcakes here from Gourmet on the go.
Chick Chick Cupcakes
Your favorite cupcakes
Chocolate icing (or you could use green)
Candy eyes (click for recipe or just use icing)Yellow and Orange Candy melts
Chick Template (download and print here)
Wax PaperQuart freezer ziploc bags
Print chick template and tape to countertop. Tape wax paper over template. Put orange candy melts in a microwafe safe bowl and microwave on high for 60 seconds. Stir well and microwave at 10 second intervals until completely melted. Put in ziploc bag and snip a small corner off the end of the bag. Draw the triangles (beaks) and feet. Let dry completely.
Cookie bar info here
Missy’s Chocolate Chip Bars
¾ c. butter, melted
1 c. white and1 c. brown sugar
3 eggs
1 tsp. salt
2 c. flour (or 9 oz.)
1 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. vanilla
1 (12 oz.) bag semi sweet chocolate chips
Mix the butter and brown sugar and then add the remaining ingredients. Stir in 2/3 of the chocolate chips. Press dough into a greased 10” square or 9x13 pan & sprinkle the rest of chocolate chips on the top. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes (until lightly golden on top).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

blogger rant

I have just spent the last half hour trying to find a blog name that was not taken - taken by people who create and keep blog names and then DO NOT USE THEM.

It drives me mental

Why go through the effort of creating a blog and not using it.

The reason for the new blog.....booked a trip to Disney yesterday and for prosperity sake and to keep track of my findings and hopefully help someone else out......decided to blog the process from booking / planning / going / after thoughts.

All the good Disney blog names are taken by people who are not blogging.

Whew - feel better - will get off my soapbox.

You are now free to find another blog that actually contains some real info.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

What do your colour choices say about you?

Even though I am still heart broken that Canadian home and country has stopped production I am really starting to enjoy another Canadian magazine -
Style at home. I have noticed a change in them and thinking they maybe able to fill that need of mine I got from CHC.
They have an online quiz
This was my result and bang on to boot!!!
ROMANTIC ----- You strive to make your home a quiet sanctuary for relaxation, introspection and renewal. And not only do you love romantic movies and candlelight, your decorating style is soft and inviting, too. For you, a plump oversized shabby-chic sofa is perfection. Not surprisingly, you're drawn to nurturing colours: colours that reflect femininity, not frivolity. You also love to bask in nature's beauty - whether you're sitting on a beach or watching the night sky. A sentimental collector, you treasure souvenirs from events in your life.